D23 2017

D23 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

2017 D23 Expo Ticket Update And Ticket Safety Tips

2017 D23 Expo tickets have already started to arrived at attendees homes so we wanted to share a few updated and reminders with you!
D23 Group Member Todd shared the above image of an email he received from D23 letting him know tickets are being shipped. We have confirmed with our D23 contact that this email was sent to "the email address of the person who purchased the tickets. It was sent to the email address that is on file of the ticket purchaser when they bought the tickets."Guests will not be receiving this email, and there is a chance if you do not see it in your inbox that it bounced back or is in your spam folder. And as the email mentions it may take 2-3 weeks for your tickets to arrive at your home!
To those Expo Attendees that have mentioned they have received their 2017 D23 Expo Tickets. As a quick reminder please do not post your tickets on social media unless you crop out the QR code, your name and any other important identifying information (bottom left and right of ticket) to help keep people from making copies of your ticket. Please see the photo of  D23 Members, Expo Fans and Attendees member Traci R.'s ticket below as this is a great example of how you SHOULD post a photo of your ticket if you feel you have to share a picture of your ticket(s).
 And finally, for those of you who have not received your tickets yet, we wanted to take a moment to remind you of the following information:
  1. If you are a U.S. resident that has already purchased your 2017 D23 Expo tickets and you don't have your tickets yet, breath it's OK because no one else who bought General Admission tickets has their tickets yet. (This applies to D23 Members and Non Members) If we get to July 5 and you still don't have your tickets, you will need to contact D23 DIRECTLY by emailing D23EXPO@experient-inc.com to figure out what has happened to your tickets. Worst case scenario if your tickets got lost in the mail you can pick them up at Will Call as long as you communicate with D23 before the Expo.  
  2. PLEASE remember over the next few weeks now that tickets have started arriving at people's homes that there is NO reason to freak out or fuss that your tickets haven't arrived yet. D23 Expo tickets tend to be mailed in waves via standard USPS so the process can be slow moving and just because someone else got their ticket, even if they live in the same state or city as you, it doesn't mean you need to stress (or squash other folk's happy with your fussing) because USPS hasn't made it to your door yet. I promise you there is NO pattern, rhyme or reason to when the envelope will arrive in your mailbox. There is no tracking available as tickets were sent standard mail via USPS.
  3. If you DON'T live in the U.S. guess what? NONE of this U.S.P.S. mailing stuff applies to you in any way shape or form. Why? Because D23 doesn't mail tickets outside of the U.S. so you have to go to Will Call to pickup your tickets. 
  4. Finally, if you are a CM that bought CM tickets for the D23 Expo, NONE of this applies you, as you have your own bag of marbles in this ticket game and you should have been provided with information on the mailing process when you purchased your tickets.

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