3 (Make that 6) Things I Wish DVC Members Would Do For DVC (aka a response to this)
Before I start this response, let me just say I love my Disney Vacation Club membership! It has provided me with DVC membership points, a DVC Member Card and access to the DVC member website as well as select DVC member discounts on merchandise and food. But every time I enter a DVC related social media arena, I wish that DVC membership was like Fight Club Membership, something you never spoke of. Why? Because it causes so much drama, and the majority of that drama really is brought on by us, the members. I always think about what I wish DVC Members would do for DVC. Here are the 3 things I wish DVC Members would do for DVC.
- Have realistic expectations. When we signed a contract to become Disney Vacation Club Members we were clearly told what came with that contract, a timeshare purchase. We were told at point of purchase, and are told every time we visit the DVC website or open an email from DVC, in a very clear and concise manner perks and discounts can and may change. We need to stop expecting DVC to hand us the universe, and when they do hand us the world we need to stop being shocked when we see a raise in fees or join prices.
- Read and comprehend. We as DVC members have a horrible habit of ignoring the DVC website which answers the vast majority of our questions. Instead we elect to visit click bait laden blogs, many of which like to share information on how to cheat the Disney system with no respect to the Disney Company, while making big bucks off their readers through click bait and travel sponsorships. Or we come to Facebook groups where we gave no guarantees that the people answering us are even DVC members. We should realize we get a discount on the Disney Dining plan compared to cash guests and that we also have the ability as non Florida residents to not only purchase Gold WDW Annual Passes, but we can purchase Tables in Wonderland.
- Kill the entitlement. The only thing we were promised was X number of points for Y number of dollars for Z number of years. Free food, demands for swag, and anything else we expect Disney to give us is up to the company. The rude (and by golly embarrassing) I AM A DVC MEMBER rants that occur in park, online and at resort counters, are embarrassing, immature and show a total lack of social skills and home training. The assumption that a .02 piece of rubber that was discontinued years ago by WDW for DVC guests on point stays, get you a discount, or special treatment is crap. We need to start carrying ourselves with some decorum, start showing respect to others, stop coveting useless dust collecting "swag" while remembering the world doesn't revolve around DVC, and that the parks are run by humans, and that humans are in fact fallible.
- Know the tech. By golly DVC we've had MagicBands and MDE for years now. It's time we members realize MBs don't get activated, there is no data stored on a MB, so your photos, CC and other info are in MDE and other Disney database systems. And it is well past time that we stop sharing bad info about these systems with people.
- Pay it forward. We as DVC members are lucky enough to have roofs over our heads, food in our stomach and the ability to buy into a vacation club. We need to start realizing that this makes us fortunate. When we see a guest in the park that looks lost, we should offer directions. We should show manners and grace in other social media arenas and offer assistance without trying to sell DVC or other products to those in need of help. If you see a cup sitting in the park, throw it out, don't take a pic and whine on social media about it. If you see someone with their feet up on an ottoman in the DVC Member Lounge, be happy for them instead of going all "I am a PLATINUM DVC MEMBER HOW DARE YOU!!"
- I wish we as DVC Members would stop clicking on crappy article click bait. The rumors the DisBlogger community put out are insane. And we, the Disney Fan Base, are making the yahoos who put that stuff out rich thanks to Google Ads, Facebook Cash and other means of making revenue off people who just want to read an article. I wish we would start making these "bloggers," who really fall in line with tabloid mud throwers, print confirmed info instead of CM Rumor and speculation.